Home Templates


Every time we mail a brochure, sponsor an event, issue a news release or hand someone our business card, we are communicating about the Atmos Energy brand. Every time the company’s name is put in front of the public, we are shaping both its reputation and corporate identity.

Clarity, consistency and coherency ensure that all our communications strengthen the Atmos Energy brand, reinforce its public identity and maximize its business goals.

Every employee is responsible for protecting our corporate identity and for ensuring that these standards are maintained. Your support and cooperation are critical to maintaining the visual and verbal consistency of our brand.

Because the integrity of the Atmos Energy brand relies heavily on consistency throughout the enterprise, it is important that business communications with the public are uniform. The templates provided in this section will ensure that all Atmos Energy employees are using approved, standardized materials in their communications and presentations, both internally and externally.

NOTE: Internet Explorer version 7.0 or higher is required. Use the side navigation to accesss templates.

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